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Module is responsible for managing package installation, removal and building.

Extended Builders

Static Methods

API Reference

Register Modules


Asynchronously registers modules by building the module schema and nodes.

Example Basic usage:

const { ecoModule } = ecoflow;

await ecoModule.registerModules();

Verify Module


Checks if a given module is an EcoFlow module by examining its keywords.

Return: A promise that resolves to true if the module is an EcoFlow module, false otherwise.

Available arguments :

moduleNamePackageSearchResultThe PackageSearchResult object.


Checks if a given module is an EcoFlow module by examining its keywords.

Return: A promise that resolves to true if the module is an EcoFlow module, false otherwise.

Available arguments :

moduleNamestringThe name of the module.

Example Basic usage:

const { ecoModule } = ecoflow;

const isEcoModule = await ecoModule.isEcoModule("ecoflow-common");


Search Module


Searches for a module by name and returns detailed information about the module.

Return: A promise that resolves to an object containing detailed information about the searched module.

Available arguments :

moduleNamestringThe name of the module to search for.

Install Module


Asynchronously installs a module with the specified name.

Return: A promise that resolves to the installed module schema.

Available arguments :

moduleNamestringThe name of the module to install.

installModule(moduleName, [version])Promise<ModuleSchema>

Asynchronously installs a module with the specified name.

Return: A promise that resolves to the installed module schema.

Available arguments :

ParameterType (Default)Description
moduleNamestringThe name of the module to install.
[version]string ("latest")The version of the module to install.

Install All Module


Asynchronously installs a module dependencies.

Return: A promise that resolves to the installed is success.

Install Local Module


Installs local modules from the specified module names array from the upload folder.

Local modules must be a zip file containing all packaging files in its root directory.

Return: A promise that resolves to an array of ModuleSchema objects.

Available arguments :

moduleNamestring[]An array of module names to install locally.

Upgrade or Downgrade Module

upgradeDowngradeModule(moduleName, version)Promise<ModuleSchema>

Upgrades or downgrades a module to the specified version.

Return: The module schema of the upgraded/downgraded module.

Available arguments :

moduleNamestringThe name of the module to upgrade/downgrade.
versionstringThe version to upgrade/downgrade to.

Fetch Installed Packages Description


Retrieves the description of an installed package based on the package name.

Return: A promise that resolves to an object containing the details of the installed package, such as name, versions, author, download count, and usage status.

Available arguments :

packageNamestringThe name of the package to retrieve the description for.

Remove Module


Asynchronously removes a module by its name.

Return: A promise that resolves once the module is successfully removed.

Available arguments :

moduleNamestringThe name of the module to be removed.

Add Module


Asynchronously adds a module or an array of modules to the module schema.

If an array of modules is provided, it iterates through each module and adds it.

Return: A promise that resolves once the module(s) have been added.

Available arguments :

moduleModuleSchema | ModuleSchema[]The module or array of modules to add.

Update Module


Updates a module or an array of modules in the module schema.

Return: A promise that resolves once the module have been updated.

Available arguments :

moduleModuleSchema | ModuleSchema[]The module or array of modules to update.

Drop Module


Asynchronously drops a module or an array of modules from the system.

Return: A promise that resolves once the module(s) have been dropped.

Available arguments :

moduleIDEcoModuleID | EcoModuleID[]The ID or array of IDs of the module(s) to drop.

Fetch Module Schema


Retrieves the module schemas.

Return: The module schema list.


Retrieves the module schema based on the provided module ID.

Return: The module schema matching the provided module ID.

Available arguments :

moduleIDEcoModuleIDThe ID of the module to retrieve the schema for.


Retrieves the module schema based on the provided module ID.

Return: The module schema matching the provided module ID.

Available arguments :

moduleIDstringThe ID of the module to retrieve the schema for.

Fetch Module


Retrieves an array of all modules.

Return: An array of all modules.

getModule(moduleID)Module | null

Retrieves a module based on the provided moduleID.

Return: The module matching the moduleID.

Available arguments :

moduleIDstringThe ID of the module to retrieve.

Fetch Nodes


Retrieves all nodes.

Return: A promise that resolves to the retrieved nodes.

getNodes(nodeID)Promise<EcoNode | null>

Retrieves nodes based on the provided node ID and input values.

Return: A promise that resolves to the retrieved node or null.

Available arguments :

nodeIDstringThe ID of the node to retrieve.

getNodes(nodeID, [inputValuePass])Promise<EcoNode | null>

Retrieves nodes based on the provided node ID and input values.

Return: A promise that resolves to the retrieved node or null.

Available arguments :

ParameterType (Default)Description
nodeIDstringThe ID of the node to retrieve.
[inputValuePass]Object ({})Input values to pass to the nodes.


ParameterType (Default)Description
availablePackagesCountsPromise<Number>A promise that resolves with the total count of available packages.
moduleBuilderEcoModuleBuilderAn instance of EcoModuleBuilder.
getNodeBuilderEcoNodeBuilder | nullAn instance of IEcoNodeBuilder if moduleSchema is defined, otherwise null.
installedModulesPromise<string[]>A promise that resolves with an array of installed module names.

TypeScript Properties



It is and properties of an external dependencies and its documentation can be found here



It is an instance of Module Schema Builder and its documentation can be found here



It is an instance of Module ID Builder and its documentation can be found here


interface ModuleSearchResults {
/** An array of ModuleResults objects. */
modules: ModuleResults[];

/** The total number of modules in the search results. */
total: number;


interface ModuleResults {
/** The name of the module. */
name: string;

/** The author of the module. */
author?: Person | string;

/** An array of versions of the module. */
versions: string[];

/** Indicates if the module is installed. */
isInstalled: boolean;

/** Indicates if the module is in use. */
inUsed: boolean;

/** The latest version of the module. */
latestVersion: string;

/** The installed version(s) of the module. */
installedVersions: string | null;

/** The git repository of the module */
gitRepository?: string;


interface Module {
/** The ID of the module. */
id: EcoModuleID;

/** The name of the module. */
name: string;

/** The package name of the module. */
packageName: string;

/** The version of the module. */
version: string;

/** An array of nodes associated with the module. */
nodes: ModuleNodes[];


interface ModuleNodes extends ModuleSpecs {
/** The ID of the module. */
id: EcoModuleID;

/** An array of input specifications for the module. */
inputs?: FlowInputSpecs[];



A appropriate documentation can be found here


interface ModuleSpecs {
/** The name of the module. */
name: string;

/** The type of the module. */
type: ModuleTypes;

/** The description of the module. */
describtion?: string;

/** The controller of the module. */
controller?: string;


* Represents an array of ModuleNodes that are read-only.
type EcoNodes = Readonly<ModuleNodes[]>;


* Represents a node in the Eco system, which can be a ModuleNode or null.
type EcoNode = Readonly<ModuleNodes | null>;


interface InstalledPackagesDescription {
/** The name of the package. */
name: string;

/** The current version of the package. */
currentVersion: string;

/** The latest version available for the package. */
latestVersion: string;

/** The author of the package. */
author: string | Person;

/** The number of downloads or a string representing the download count. */
download: number | string;

/** Indicates if the package is currently in use. */
isInUse: boolean;

/** Indicates if the package is a local package. */
isLocalPackage: boolean;