Response Types
The response type is a object with the following properties:
interface ApiResponse {
* Flag indicating the presence of an error.
error?: boolean;
* Flag indicating the success status.
success?: boolean;
* Response payload data for the response.
payload?: any;
Available Endpoints :
Method | Endpoints | Description |
POST | /directoriesStatus | Fetch directory and sub-directory. |
Initialize Endpoints
Available Endpoints :
Method | Endpoints | Description |
GET | /init/status | Initializes the status of the application. |
Authentication Endpoints
Available Endpoints :
Method | Endpoints | Description |
GET | /users/isAuthenticated | Checks if a user is authenticated. |
PATCH | /users/refreshToken | Refreshing user authentication token. |
POST | /users/login | User login authentication. |
DELETE | /users/logout | Logging out a user. |
Admin Endpoints
Available Endpoints :
Configuration Endpoints
Method | Endpoints | Description |
GET | /admin/config | Retrieve configurations. |
GET | /admin/config/:configID | Retrieve a specific configuration based on the configID. |
PUT | /admin/config | Updates the configuration settings. |
Environment Endpoints
Method | Endpoints | Description |
GET | /admin/environment/envs | Retrieve environment information. |
GET | /admin/environment/env/:envID | retrieve environment details based on the environment Name as ID. |
GET | /admin/environment/userEnvs | Retrieve user environments. |
GET | /admin/environment/userEnv/:envID | Retrieve a user environment based on the environment Name as ID. |
GET | /admin/environment/systemEnvs | Retrieve system environment variables. |
GET | /admin/environment/systemEnv/:envID | retrieving system environment information based on the environment Name as ID. |
POST | /admin/environment/envs | Committing new environments. |
User Endpoints
Method | Endpoints | Description |
GET | /admin/users/usernames | Retrieving usernames of all users. |
GET | /admin/users/usernames/:isSystem | Retrieve usernames based on whether they are system users or not.. |
GET | /admin/users/:userID | Retrieving details of a specific user. |
POST | /admin/users | The endpoint for creating a new user. |
PATCH | /admin/users/:userID | Updating a user with a specific userID. |
PATCH | /admin/users/:userID/ToggleUser | Toggles the user enable/disable for the specified user ID. |
Schema Editor Endpoints
Available Endpoints :
Connection Endpoints
Method | Endpoints | Description |
GET | /schema/connections | Retrieves the list of available connections. |
POST | /schema/connection | Creating a new connection. |
PATCH | /schema/connection | The endpoint for updating a connection. |
DELETE | /schema/connection/:ConnectionName | Delete a connection based on the ConnectionName parameter. |
Connection Configuration Endpoints
Method | Endpoints | Description |
GET | /schema/connectionConfigs | Retrieves the list of available connection configurations. |
GET | /schema/connectionConfig/:id | Retrieves the connection configuration by ID. |
Connection Collection Endpoints
Method | Endpoints | Description |
GET | /schema/collectionsORtables/:connectionName | Retrieves the collections or tables for a specific connection. |
POST | /schema/collectionsORtables/:connectionName | Creating collections or tables for a given connection. |
PATCH | /schema/collectionsORtables/:connectionName | Renaming collections or tables for a specific connection. |
DELETE | /schema/collectionsORtables/:connectionName/:collectionOrTableName | Deleting a collection or table based on the connection name and collection/table name. |
Connection Collection Table Endpoints
Method | Endpoints | Description |
GET | /schema/tableColumn/:connectionName/:collectionORtableName | Retrieving information about the columns of a table in a database. |
POST | /schema/tableColumn/:connectionName/:collectionORtableName | Saving table columns to a specific collection or table in the database. |
Connection Collection Data Endpoints
Method | Endpoints | Description |
GET | /schema/DatabaseData/:connectionName/:collectionORtableName | Retrieving data from a specific database collection or table. |
POST | /schema/DatabaseData/:connectionName/:collectionORtableName/insert | Inserting data into a specific collection/table in the database. |
PATCH | /schema/DatabaseData/:connectionName/:collectionORtableName/update | Updating database data for a specific connection and collection/table. |
DELETE | /schema/DatabaseData/:connectionName/:collectionORtableName/delete/:dataID | Deleting data from a specific collection or table in the database. |
Server Endpoints
Available Endpoints :
Method | Endpoints | Description |
GET | /server/isOnline | Checking if the server is online. |
POST | /server | Handles the server close and restart functionality based on the mode provided in the request body. |
Setup Endpoints
Available Endpoints :
Black Setup Endpoints
Method | Endpoints | Description |
POST | /setup/blank/validateDB | Checking if the database connection is valid. |
POST | /setup/blank | Processes the setup for a blank context by creating user credentials, updating database configuration, and restarting the server if necessary. |
Import Setup Endpoints
Method | Endpoints | Description |
POST | /setup/import | Upload the import configuration zip and processes the setup of the application |
Role Endpoints
Available Endpoints :
Method | Endpoints | Description |
GET | /role | Fetches all roles. |
GET | /role/:id | Fetches role for the ID provided. |
POST | /role | Creating a new role. |
PATCH | /role | Updating a role. |
DELETE | /role/:id | Remove a role by its ID. |
Users Endpoints
Available Endpoints :
Method | Endpoints | Description |
GET | /users | Retrieves users information. |
PATCH | /users | Updating user information. |
Users Permissions Endpoints
Method | Endpoints | Description |
GET | /users/permissions | Retrieve user permissions. |
GET | /users/permissions/:mode | Fetches permissions based on the mode specified. |
Users Roles Endpoints
Method | Endpoints | Description |
GET | /users/roles | Retrieves user roles and fetches role names for each role ID. |
Module Package Endpoints
Available Endpoints :
Method | Endpoints | Description |
GET | /module | Fetching all modules. |
GET | /module/id/:moduleID | Fetching a module based on the provided module ID. |
GET | /module/installPackages | Fetching the list of installed modules |
GET | /module/installPackages/id/:name | Fetches the description of an installed module based on the provided module name. |
GET | /module/searchPackagesCounts | Fetches the count of available search packages. |
GET | /module/searchPackages/:packageName | Searching packages in the npm repository by package name. |
POST | /module/installPackages | Installing packages in the application. |
POST | /module/installPackages/import | Importing packages and installing packages in the application. |
PATCH | /module/installPackages | Upgrades or downgrades a package based on the provided package name and version. |
DELETE | /module/installPackages/:packageName | Removes a package from the application based on the provided package name. |
Module Nodes Endpoints
Method | Endpoints | Description |
GET | /module/nodes | Retrieves all nodes data. |
GET | /module/nodes/id/:nodeId | Retrieves nodes data based on the ID provided |
Flow Editor Endpoints
Available Endpoints :
Method | Endpoints | Description |
GET | /flows | Retrieves all the flows description. |
GET | /flows/id/:flowName | Retrieves the flows description for a given flow name from the flow editor. |
GET | /flows/settings | Retrieves the settings of the flow editor. |
POST | /flows/settings | Updating the settings of the flow editor. |
POST | /flows/deploy | Deploys the flow configuration of the flow editor. |
Dashboard Endpoints
Available Endpoints :
Method | Endpoints | Description |
GET | /dashboard/status | Retrieves the information to display on the dashboard |
Backup Restore Endpoints
Available Endpoints :
Method | Endpoints | Description |
GET | /backupRestore | Fetch the information for backup. |
GET | /backupRestore/backup | Fetch the backed file names that are saved of the server directory. |
POST | /backupRestore/backup | Generate backup file, save on the server directory and download it. |
POST | /backupRestore/restore | Upload a zip containing backed details and restore accordingly. |
DELETE | /backupRestore/backup/:fileName | Delete a backed file that is saved on the server directory. |
Export Endpoints
Available Endpoints :
Method | Endpoints | Description |
GET | /exports | Exports the project with all information like: configurationsENV variables, etc |
Audit Logs Endpoints
Available Endpoints :
Method | Endpoints | Description |
GET | /auditLogs | Fetches audit logs for the 1st page. |
GET | /auditLogs/:page | Fetches audit logs based on the page number. |