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DriverMongoose represents a class that implements the DriverMongoose interface and provides methods for interacting with MongoDB

API Reference


Mongoose official guide can be found here

Create Connection

createConnection(uri, [options])Promise<Connection>

Creates a connection to a MongoDB database using Mongoose.

Return: A promise that resolves to the Mongoose connection object.

Available arguments :

uristringThe URI of the MongoDB database.
[options]ConnectOptionsOptional connection options.

Build Model

buildModel(name, schema, [collection], [options])Model

Builds and returns a model based on the provided name, schema, collection, and options.

Return: A model based on the provided parameters.

Available arguments :

namestringThe name of the model.
schemaobjectThe schema definition and options for the model.
schema.definitionSchemaDefinition | ApplySchemaOptions | {}The schema definition for the model.
schema.optionsSchemaOptions | ResolveSchemaOptions<SchemaOptions>The schema options for the model.
[collection]stringThe name of the collection in the database.
[options]CompileModelOptionsAdditional options for compiling the model.

Collection Info

collectionInfo(collection, [options])Promise<Array<CollectionInfo>>

Retrieves information about a collection from the database.

Return: A promise that resolves to an array of CollectionInfo objects.

Available arguments :

collectionstringThe name of the collection to retrieve information for.
[options]collectionInfoOptionsAdditional options for retrieving collection information.

List Collections


Asynchronously retrieves a list of collection names from the database.

Return: A promise that resolves to an array of collection names sorted alphabetically.

Fetch Mongoose Connection


Retrieve the mongoose connection object.

Return: The mongoose connection object.

Fetch Mongoose


Returns the Mongoose object for interacting with MongoDB using the Mongoose library.

Return: The Mongoose object.

Fetch Mongoose schema


Returns the mongoose Schema class for creating MongoDB schemas.

Return: The mongoose Schema class.

Fetch Mongoose Document


Returns the type of mongoose Document.

Return: The type of mongoose Document.

Fetch Mongoose Query


returns the mongoose Query class.

Return: The mongoose Query class.

Fetch Mongoose Aggregate


returns the mongoose Aggregate class.

Return: The mongoose Aggregate class.

Fetch Mongoose SchemaType


returns the mongoose SchemaType class.

Return: The mongoose SchemaType class.

Fetch Mongoose VirtualType


returns the mongoose VirtualType class.

Return: The mongoose VirtualType class.

TypeScript Properties


interface CollectionInfo {
/** An array of keys for the collection. */
keys: CollectionTypes[];

/** An object mapping keys to collection types. */
types: { [key: string]: CollectionTypes };

/** The values of the collection. */
values: any;


interface collectionInfoOptions {
/** The sub-column to use for collection. */
subColumn?: string;

/** An object containing key-value pairs to match against. */
match?: { [key: string]: any };


type CollectionTypes =
| "objectId" //Represents an ObjectId type.
| "array" //Represents an Array type.
| "binData" //Represents a Binary Data type.
| "bool" //Represents a Boolean type.
| "javascriptWithScope" //Represents a JavaScript with Scope type.
| "date" //Represents a Date type.
| "decimal" //Represents a Decimal type.
| "double" //Represents a Double type.
| "int" //Represents a Integer type.
| "long" //Represents a Long type.
| "maxKey" //Represents a Max Key type.
| "minKey" //Represents a Min Key type.
| "null" //Represents a Null type.
| "object" //Represents a Object type.
| "regex" //Represents a RegExp type.
| "string" //Represents a String type.
| "symbol" //Represents a symbol type.
| "timestamp"; //Represents a timestamp type.


interface DatabaseCollectionInfo {
/** An array of collection types keys. */
keys: CollectionTypes[];

/** An object mapping keys to collection types. */
types: {
[key: string]: CollectionTypes;

/** The data stored in the collection. */
data: any;