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EcoServer is a class that extends Koa responsible for the running of application http server.

API Reference

Start Server

startServer()Promise<httpServer.Server | httpsServer.Server>

Starts the server and listens on the specified port and host.

Return: A Promise that resolves to an HTTP or HTTPS server instance.

Stop Server


Asynchronously closes the server.

Return: A Promise that resolves once the server is closed.

Available arguments :

ParameterType (Default)Description
[exit]boolean (false)Whether to exit the process after closing the server.

Restart Server


Asynchronously restarts the server process.

Return: A Promise that resolves when the server has been successfully restarted.

initialize Passport


Initializes Passport with the provided options.

Return: A promise that resolves once Passport has been initialized.

Available arguments :

[options]StrategyOptionsWithoutRequestThe options to configure Passport. Official documentations can be found here


passportpassportA reference to the Passport module. Official documentations can be found here
systemSocketServerRepresents a server socket for system communication. Official documentations can be found here
socketServerRepresents socket server instance. Official documentations can be found here
baseUrlstringThe base URL formed by combining the protocol, host, and port.
isSecurebooleantrue if the connection is secure (HTTPS), false otherwise
serverState"Online" | "Offline"The current server state.

TypeScript Properties


interface SocketServer {
/** Representing a Socket Server */
io: Server;

/** Representing the Socket of Socket Server */
socket: Socket;
Additional Types

The EcoServer is an inherited instance of koajs and a more appropriate can be found here