Flow Builder
EcoFlowBuilder is a class that is responsible for building and managing a flow of nodes and connections.
The config class can be accessed by global ecoflow instance of the application
Example Basic usage:
const { flowEditor } = ecoflow;
const flowBuilder = flowEditor.fLowBuilder;
API Reference
Build Node Stack
buildStack(flowConfigurations) ⇒ Promise<[stack, configuration]>
Builds a stack of nodes based on the given flow configurations.
Return: A promise that resolves to an array containing the nodes stack and node configurations.
Available arguments :
Parameter | Type | Description |
flowConfigurations | FlowsDescription | The flow configurations to build the stack from. |
Return arguments types :
Parameter | Type | Description |
stack | NodesStack | The nodes stack |
configuration | NodeConfiguration[] | An array containing the node configurations. |
Fetch Node Configuration
getNodeConfigurations(nodeID) ⇒ object | {}
Retrieves the configurations for a specific node based on the node ID.
Return: The configurations for the specified node, or an empty object if no configurations are found.
Available arguments :
Parameter | Type | Description |
nodeID | string | The ID of the node to retrieve configurations for. |
Fetch Node Stack Configuration
getStackNodeConfigurations(nodeID) ⇒ object | {}
Retrieves the configurations for a specific node in the stack.
Return: The configurations for the specified node, or an empty object if no configurations are found.
Available arguments :
Parameter | Type | Description |
nodeID | string | The ID of the node to retrieve configurations for. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
stack | NodesStack | The Nodes Stack as an object. |
stacksConfigurations | NodeConfiguration[] | An array of NodeConfiguration objects representing the stack configurations. |
nodes | Nodes | The Nodes from the flow. |
edges | NodeConnections | The edges of the node. |
configurations | NodeConfiguration[] | An array of NodeConfiguration objects representing the configurations of the node. |
startingNodes | Nodes | The starting nodes of the graph. |
responseNodes | Nodes | The response nodes. |
consoleNodes | Nodes | The console nodes. |
TypeScript Properties
interface FlowsDescription {
/** Defining a mapping of flow keys to descriptions. */
[key: string]: Describtions;
interface NodeConfiguration {
/** The unique identifier for the node. */
nodeID: string;
/** The configuration settings for the node. */
configs: {
/** The configuration settings for the node as a key value pair. */
[key: string]: any;
* Represents an array of NodeConnection objects.
type NodeConnections = NodeConnection[];
* Represents an array of Node objects.
type NodesStack = Node[];
* Represents an array of Node objects.
type Nodes = Node[];