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Default Configuration

The default configuration for the application is defined below:

import { LogLevel } from "@ecoflow/utils";

const defaultConfig = {
* User Directory Settings
* - userDir
* - moduleDir
* - envDir
* - DB_DriverDir
userDir: "%userprofile%", // Base directory where all directory files are stored.
moduleDir: "%userprofile%" + "/modules", // Directory where all modules are installed and stored.
flowDir: "%userprofile%" + "/flows",
envDir: "%userprofile%" + "/environment", // Directory where all environment variables are stored.
DB_Directory: "%userprofile%/Database", // Directory where all Database Connection files are stored.

* Flow File Settings
* - flowFile
* - flowFilePretty
flowNodeConfigurations: "configs.json", // JSON file containing flow configuration settings.
flowNodeDefinitions: "nodes.json", // JSON file containing flow nodes definitions.
flowNodeConnections: "connections.json", // JSON file containing flow nodes connection definitions.
flowFilePretty: true, // Set where JSON flow configuration settings should be formatted or not.
* Server Settings
* - Host
* - Port
* - https
* - httpCors
Host: "", // Server Host to where the server should be served at. Default is
Port: process.env.PORT || 4000, //Port number at which the server to be served at. Default id 4000.
https: {
//HTTPS Configuration of the server
enabled: false,
key: "",
cert: "",
httpCors: {
// CORS Configurations
enabled: true,
origin: "*", //`Access-Control-Allow-Origin`, default is request Origin header.
allowMethods: ["GET", "HEAD", "PUT", "POST", "DELETE", "PATCH"], //`Access-Control-Allow-Methods`, default is 'GET,HEAD,PUT,POST,DELETE,PATCH'
exposeHeaders: [], //`Access-Control-Expose-Headers`
allowHeaders: [], // Access-Control-Allow-Headers`
maxAge: 0, //`Access-Control-Max-Age` in seconds
credentials: true, //`Access-Control-Allow-Credentials`
keepHeadersOnError: false, //Add set headers to `err.header` if an error is thrown
secureContext: false, //Add `Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy` & `Cross-Origin-Embedded-Policy` to response headers
privateNetworkAccess: false, //Handle `Access-Control-Request-Private-Network` request by return `Access-Control-Allow-Private-Network`

* Router Settings
* - apiRouterOptions
* - httpStatic
* - httpStaticRoot
apiRouterOptions: {
prefix: "/api", //Prefix for all routes. Default is /api
methods: ["GET", "PUT", "POST", "DELETE"], //Methods which should be supported by the router.
routerPath: "", //Path to the router which should be used for all routes
sensitive: false, //Whether or not routing should be case-sensitive.
strict: true, // Whether or not routes should matched strictly. [If strict matching is enabled, the trailing slash is taken into account when matching routes.]
exclusive: false, // Only run last matched route's controller when there are multiple matches
host: "", //Host for router match

httpStatic: "/public", // Static content path for all requests.
httpStaticRoot: "", //Root path for static contents.

* Application Settings
* - lang
* - diagnostics
lang: "en-US",
diagnostics: {
/** enable or disable diagnostics endpoint. Must be set to `false` to disable */
enabled: true,
/** enable or disable diagnostics display in the editor. Must be set to `false` to disable */
ui: true,

* Logger Settings
* - Logger
logging: {
enabled: true, //Enable or Disable logging output.
level: LogLevel.INFO, //Logging level.
format: "`[ ${timestamp} ] : [ ${label} ] | [ ${level} ] : ${message}`",
prettyPrint: false, //Pretty print the logging output.
label: {
//Global logging label
enable: true, //Enable logging label
label: "Eco-FLow", //Logging label text
console: true, //Logging Console Enable or Disable
file: {
//Logging File
enabled: false, //Logging File Enable or Disable
location: "", //Logging File Location
filename: "", //Logging File Filename
web: {
//Logging Web
enabled: false, //Enable or Disable web logging
host: "", //Logging Host
port: 0, //Logging Port
path: "/", //Logging path

* Editor Settings
* - editor
editor: {
//Editor Settings
enabled: true, //Enable or Disable editor.
admin: true, //Enable or Disable admin editor.
flow: true, //Enable or Disable flow editor.
schema: true, //Enable or Disable schema editor.

* Database Settings
* - database
database: {
driver: "SQLite",
configuration: {
filename: "%userprofile%/Database/DB_connections/ecoflowDB.sqlite",

export default defaultConfig;