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Flow Editor

EcoFlowEditor is a class that is responsible for managing EcoFlow configurations and files.


The config class can be accessed by global ecoflow instance of the application

Example Basic usage:

const { flowEditor } = ecoflow;

await flowEditor.initialize();

API Reference

Initialize Flow


Asynchronously initializes the object and deploys the existing flow.

Return: A Promise that resolves to the initialized object.

Fetch Flow Definitions


Asynchronously retrieves the flow definitions for all flows.

Return: A promise that resolves to an object containing the flow definitions.


Asynchronously retrieves the flow definitions for all flows.

Return: A promise that resolves to an object containing the flow definitions.

Available arguments :

flowNamestringThe name of the flow to retrieve definitions for.

Fetch Flow Connections


Asynchronously retrieves the flow connections for all flows.

Return: A promise that resolves to an object containing flow connections.


Asynchronously retrieves the flow connections for all flows.

Return: A promise that resolves to an object containing flow connections.

Available arguments :

flowNamestringThe name of the flow to retrieve connections for.

Fetch Flow Configurations


Retrieves the configurations for all flows if no flow name is provided.

Return: A promise that resolves to an object containing the configurations for the specified flow.


Retrieves the configurations for a specific flow or for all flows if no flow name is provided.

Return: A promise that resolves to an object containing the configurations for the specified flow.

Available arguments :

flowNamestringThe name of the flow to retrieve configurations for.

Fetch Flow Configurations


Retrieves the configurations for all flows if no flow name is provided.

Return: A promise that resolves to an object containing the configurations for the specified flow.


Retrieves the configurations for a specific flow or for all flows if no flow name is provided.

Return: A promise that resolves to an object containing the configurations for the specified flow.

Available arguments :

flowNamestringThe name of the flow to retrieve configurations for.

Fetch Flow Description


Retrieves the description of all flows if no flow name is provided.

Return: A promise that resolves to an object containing the descriptions of the flow(s).


Retrieves the description of a specific flow or all flows if no flow name is provided.

Return: A promise that resolves to an object containing the descriptions of the flow(s).

Available arguments :

flowNamestringThe name of the flow to retrieve the description for.

Valid Flow


Checks if a flow with the given name exists.

Return: A promise that resolves to true if the flow exists, false otherwise.

Available arguments :

flowNamestringThe name of the flow to check.

Create Flow


Creates a new flow with the given name.

Return: A promise that resolves once the flow is created.

Available arguments :

flowNamestringThe name of the flow to create.

Update Flow Configurations


Updates the flow configurations based on the provided configs and newConfigs.

Return: A promise that resolves once the flow configurations are updated.

Available arguments :

configsPick<configOptions, "flowDir" | "flowFilePretty">The flow configurations to update.

updateFlowConfigs(configs, [newConfigs])Promise<void>

Updates the flow configurations based on the provided configs and newConfigs.

Return: A promise that resolves once the flow configurations are updated.

Available arguments :

configsPick<configOptions, "flowNodeConfigurations" | "flowNodeConnections" | "flowNodeDefinitions">The current flow configurations.
[newConfigs]Pick<configOptions, "flowNodeConfigurations" | "flowNodeConnections" | "flowNodeDefinitions">The new flow configurations to update.

Remove Flow


Removes a flow with the given name.

Return: A promise that resolves once the flow is successfully removed.

Available arguments :

flowNamestringThe name of the flow to be removed.

Check All Node Configured


Checks if all nodes in the given FlowDefinitions or FlowsDescription are configured.

Return: True if all nodes are configured, false otherwise.

Available arguments :

definitionsFlowDefinitions | FlowsDescriptionThe definitions of the flow or description.

Check Node Configured


Checks if a given node is configured.

Return: True if the node is configured, false otherwise.

Available arguments :

nodeNodeThe node to check.

Deploy Flow


Asynchronously deploys a flow based on the provided flow description.

Return: A promise that resolves to true if the deployment is successful.

Available arguments :

flowDescriptionFlowsDescriptionThe description of the flow to deploy.


flowsPromise<string[]>A Promise that resolves to an array of strings representing the flow names.
fLowBuilderEcoFLowBuilderThe EcoFlowBuilder instance. Documentation can be found here

TypeScript Properties


* Represents a Node in React Flow with specific data types for node data and optional additional data.
type Node = ReactFlowNode<FlowsNodeDataTypes, string | undefined>;

ReactFlow official documentation can be found here


interface FlowDefinitions {
/** Representing flow definitions with keys as strings and values as Nodes. */
[key: string]: Nodes;


interface FlowConnections {
/** Representing an array of edges for each node key. */
[key: string]: Edge<FlowsEdgeDataTypes>[];


interface FlowConfigurations {
/** Representing an array of NodeConfiguration objects. */
[key: string]: NodeConfiguration[];


interface FlowsDescription {
/** Representing a defining a mapping of flow keys to descriptions. */
[key: string]: Describtions;


interface FlowsDescription {
/** Representing a defining a mapping of flow keys to descriptions. */
[key: string]: Describtions;


interface FlowsNodeDataTypes {
/** The ID of the EcoModule. */
moduleID: EcoModuleID;

/** The label of the node. */
label: string;

/** Indicates if the node is configured. */
configured: boolean;

/** Indicates if the node is disabled. */
disabled: boolean;

/** The description of the node. */
description: string;

/** The appearance configurations of the node. */
appearance: NodeAppearanceConfigurations;

/** Optional icon component for the node. */
icon?: React.FC<HTMLAttributes<SVGElement>>;

/** Indicates if the node is connected. */
isConnectable?: number | boolean;

/** Indicates if the node is connected has any errors. */
isError?: boolean;

/** Function for handling drawer open in the frontend. */
openDrawer?: (
label: string,
configured: boolean,
disabled: boolean,
description: string,
appearance: NodeAppearanceConfigurations
) => void;


interface NodeAppearanceConfigurations {
/** Whether to display a label for the node. */
label?: boolean;

/** The icon to display for the node. */
icon?: string | null;

/** Configuration for port labels. */
portLabel?: {
/** Label for the input port. */
input?: string;

/** Label for the output port. */
output?: string;