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JSON Builder

JSON provides methods for stringify, parsing, and working with JSON data, including writing JSON data to a file and reading JSON data from a file.

API Reference


Kind: Exported class

Example Basic usage:

import { Builder } from "@ecoflow/utils";

const jsonString = Builder.JSON.stringify({
hello: "world",

const parsedJSON = Builder.JSON.parse(jsonString);




Returns a JSON string representation of the object.

Example Basic usage:

import { Builder } from "@ecoflow/utils";

const jsonString = Builder.JSON.stringify({
hello: "world",


Return: A JSON string representation of the object.

Available arguments :

valueanyEnable/Disable verbose.
[replacer](number | string)[] | null | (this: any, key: string, value: any) => anyFunction or array of string or number to perform replace
[space]string | numberAdds indentation, white space, and line break characters to the return-value JSON text to make it easier to read.



Parses a JSON string and returns the parsed result.

Example Basic usage:

import { Builder } from "@ecoflow/utils";

const jsonString = '{"hello":"world"}';
const parsedJSON = Builder.JSON.parse(jsonString);


Return: A JSON object representation of the string.

Available arguments :

valuestringString JSON data that you want to parse into a object
[reviver](this: any, key: string, value: any) => anyA function that transforms the results.

Save to file

toFile(filePath, value, options, [replacer], [space])void

Parses a JSON string and returns the parsed result.

Example Basic usage:

import { Builder } from "@ecoflow/utils";

Builder.JSON.toFile(__dirname + "/file.json", {
hello: "world",

Return: A JSON object representation of the string.

Available arguments :

filePathstringJSON file path to save the data to.
valuestringString JSON data that you want to parse into a object
optionsJsonToFileOptionsFile save options. Default : { recursive: false, mode: "none" }
[replacer](number | string)[] | null | (this: any, key: string, value: any) => anyFunction or array of string or number to perform replace
[space]string | numberAdds indentation, white space, and line break characters to the return-value JSON text to make it easier to read.

Parse from file


Reads a JSON file from a specified path and parses its content.

Example Basic usage:

import { Builder } from "@ecoflow/utils";

const parsedJSON = Builder.JSON.fromFile(__dirname + "/file.json");


Return: A JSON object representation from json file.

Available arguments :

filePathstringJSON file path to read from.
[reviver](this: any, key: string, value: any) => anyA function that transforms the results.

TypeScript Properties


interface JsonToFileOptions {
/** Create directory recursive if not exists. */
recursive?: boolean;

/** Directory create mode*/
mode?: "overwrite" | "append" | "none";