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This is responsible for filtering and uploading files to a specified directory with customizable naming conventions.

API Reference


Kind: Exported class

new Upload(files)

Create an instance of the Upload class

Example Basic usage:

import { Upload } from "@ecoflow/utils";

const file = ctx.request.files; //reference of the file that uploaded.
const upload = new Upload(file);

Available arguments :

filesFile | File[]Object referencing to the uploaded files

Set Prefix


Sets a prefix for an upload files.

Example Basic usage:


Return: The Upload instance after setting the file prefix.

Available arguments :

prefixstringSet a prefix for the upload files names.

Set Time Format


Sets the time format for an upload file.

Example Basic usage:


Return: The Upload instance after setting the file time format.

Available arguments :

timeFormatstringText containing time format

Available Time Format Representations :

tokenmeaningexamples of output
HH24-hour with zero-padding23, 08
H24-hour23, 8
hh12-hour with zero-padding11, 08
h12-hour11, 8
Ameridiem (uppercase)AM, PM
mmminute with zero-padding14, 07
sssecond with zero-padding05, 10
ssecond5, 10
SSSmillisecond (high accuracy)753, 022
SSmillisecond (middle accuracy)75, 02
Smillisecond (low accuracy)7, 0
Ztime zone offset value+0100, -0800
ZZtime zone offset value with dash+01-00, -08-00

Set Date Format


Sets the date format for an upload file.

Example Basic usage:


Return: The Upload instance after setting the file date format.

Available arguments :

dateFormatstringText containing date format

Available Date Format Representations :

tokenmeaningexamples of output
YYYYfour-digit year0999, 2015
YYtwo-digit year99, 01, 15
Yfour-digit year without zero-padding2, 44, 888, 2015
MMMMmonth name (long)January, December
MMMmonth name (short)Jan, Dec
MMmonth with zero-padding01, 12
Mmonth1, 12
DDdate with zero-padding02, 31
Ddate2, 31
ddddday of week (long)Friday, Sunday
dddday of week (short)Fri, Sun
ddday of weekFr, Su

Set Upload Location


Sets the upload location and creates the directory if it doesn't exist.

Return: The Upload instance after setting the file location.

Available arguments :

locationstringPath of the directory where to store the uploaded files

Filter Upload files


Filters files based on their mimetype

Return: The Upload instance after filtering the files.

Available arguments :

typesstring | string[]A single string or an array of strings containing filer mimetype

Filter Only Zips


Filters out files that are of type ZIP

Return: The Upload instance after filtering the files.

Upload files


Asynchronously uploads files, renames them with a timestamp and prefix, moves them to a specified directory, and returns an array of the uploaded file names.

Return: A Promise of string containing the uploaded names

Static Methods

Default Upload Directory


Return: The default Upload directory