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FlowSettingsService a service class that provides methods for managing flow settings in the database.


Example Basic usage:

const { service } = ecoflow;

const { FlowSettingsService } = service;

const flowSettings = FlowSettingsService.fetchAllFlowSettings();


API Reference

Fetch All Flow Settings

fetchAllFlowSettings()Promise<(FlowEditorSettingsConfigurations & {_id?: string; username?: string;})[]>

Fetches all flow settings configurations from the database based on the type of connection.

Return: A promise that resolves to an array of objects containing partial FlowEditorSettingsConfigurations and optional _id and username fields.

Fetch Flow Settings

fetchFlowSettings(userId)Promise<(FlowEditorSettingsConfigurations & {_id?: string; username?: string;})[]>

Fetches the flow settings for a specific user from the database based on the user ID.

Return: A promise that resolves to an object containing partial FlowEditorSettingsConfigurations along with optional _id and username properties.

Availaable arguments :

userIdstringThe ID of the user to fetch settings for.

Update Flow Settings

updateFlowSettings(userId, flowSettings)Promise<(FlowEditorSettingsConfigurations & {_id?: string; username?: string;})[]>

Updates the flow settings for a specific user in the database.

Return: A promise that resolves to the updated flow settings object with optional _id and username fields.

Availaable arguments :

userIdstringThe ID of the user whose flow settings are being updated.
flowSettingsFlowEditorSettingsConfigurationsThe flow settings to update.

TypeScript Properties


interface FlowEditorSettingsConfigurations {
/** Enable/Disable keyboard interactions. */
keyboardAccessibility: boolean;

/** Enable/Disable flow editor controls. */
controls: boolean;

/** Enable/Disabled mini map in flow editor. */
miniMap: boolean;

/** Enable/Disable mini map panning in flow editor. */
panMiniMap: boolean;

/** Enable/Disable scroll to pan. */
scrollPan: boolean;