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RoleService a service class that provides methods for interacting with roles in the database.


Example Basic usage:

const { service } = ecoflow;

const { RoleService } = service;

const roles = RoleService.getAllRoles();


API Reference

Create Role

createRole(role, [roleLike], [isDefault])Promise<Role[] | { _id: any }>

Creates a new role with the given parameters and stores it in the database.

Return: A promise that resolves to an array of roles or an object with the _id of the new role.

Available arguments :

ParameterType (Default)Description
roleRoleThe role object to create.
[roleLike]string | nullA string representing a similar role to base permissions on.
isDefaultboolean (false)A boolean indicating if the role is a default role.

Update Role

updateRole(id, permissions)Promise<Role[]>

Updates the permissions of a role with the given id.

Return: A promise that resolves to an array of updated roles.

Available arguments :

idstringThe id of the role to update.
permissionsPermissionsThe new permissions to assign to the role.

Fetch Role


Fetches role data based on the provided ID using either Knex or Mongoose ORM.

Return: A promise that resolves to an array of Role objects.

Available arguments :

idstringThe ID of the role to fetch.

Remove Role


Removes a role from the database and updates all users with the role removed.

Return: A promise that resolves to an array of Role objects after the role is removed.

Available arguments :

idstringThe id of the role to be removed.

Migrate Role


Migrates a role object to the database based on the type of database connection.

Return: The ID of the migrated role.

Available arguments :

roleRoleThe role object to be migrated.

Get All Roles


Retrieves all roles from the database based on the type of database connection.

Return: A promise that resolves to an array of Role objects.

TypeScript Properties


interface AuditLogsResponse {
/** The total number of audit log documents. */
totalDocs: number;

/** An array of AuditLogSchemaStruct objects. */
logs: AuditLogSchemaStruct[];


interface Role {
/** The unique identifier of the role. */
_id?: string;

/** The name of the role. */
name: string;

/** Indicates if the role is a default role. */
isDefault?: boolean;

/** The permissions associated with the role. */
permissions?: Permissions | string;


interface Permissions {
/** Representing permissions with keys as strings and values as booleans. */
[name: string]: boolean;