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SchemaEditorService a service class that methods for managing schema editing operations on a database using either Knex or Mongoose.


Example Basic usage:

const { database, service } = ecoFlow;
const { SchemaEditorService } = service;

const schemaService = new SchemaEditorService(

API Reference

Create Collections

createCollectionsORTable(tableCollectionName, [tableLike])Promise<CreateCollectionsORTableResult>

Creates a new collection or table in the database based on the type of connection.

Return: An object containing the list of collections/tables and the name of the current collection/table.

Available arguments :

tableCollectionNamestringThe name of the collection or table to create.
[tableLike]stringThe name of the table to base the new table on.

Rename Collections

renameCollectionsORTable(collectionTableOldName, collectionTableNewName)Promise<RenameCollectionsORTableResult>

Renames a collection or table in the database.

Return: An object containing the new collection/table name and the list of collections/tables after the rename operation.

Available arguments :

collectionTableOldNamestringThe current name of the collection or table.
collectionTableNewNamestringThe new name for the collection or table.

Drop Collections


Deletes a collection or table from the database based on the connection type.

Return: An object containing the list of remaining collections or tables after deletion.

Available arguments :

collectionTablestringThe name of the collection or table to delete.

Fetch Collections


Retrieves the collection or table information based on the type of database connection.

Return: A promise that resolves to an object containing the type of database connection ("KNEX" or "MONGO") and the list of collections or tables.

Commit Table Column

commitSaveTableColumn(tableName, columnData)Promise<CommitSaveTableColumnResult>

Asynchronously commits the changes to save table columns in the database.

Return: A promise that resolves with the result of the commit operation.

Available arguments :

tableNamestringThe name of the table in the database.
columnDataDatabaseColumnDataThe data containing information about columns to be modified, created, or deleted.

Fetch Table ColumnInfo


Retrieves information about the columns in a specified database table.

Return: A promise that resolves to an object containing information about the columns in the table.

Available arguments :

tableNamestringThe name of the database table to retrieve information for.

Insert Database Data

insertDatabaseData(collectionORtableName, insertData)Promise<DatabaseDataResult>

Inserts data into a database collection or table based on the type of database connection.

Return: A promise that resolves to a DatabaseDataResult object.

Available arguments :

collectionORtableNamestringThe name of the collection or table to insert data into.
insertDataobjectThe data to be inserted into the database.

Update Database Data

updateDatabaseData(collectionORtableName, oldData, newData)Promise<DatabaseDataResult>

Updates the database data for a given collection or table with new data.

Return: An object containing the updated columns and data.

Available arguments :

collectionORtableNamestringThe name of the collection or table in the database.
oldDataobjectThe old data to be updated.
newDataobjectThe new data to update with.

Fetch Database Data


Retrieves database data based on the provided collection or table name.

Return: A promise that resolves to an object containing the retrieved data.

Available arguments :

collectionORtableNamestringThe name of the collection or table to retrieve data from.

Delete Database Data

deleteDatabaseData(collectionORtableName, dataID)Promise<DatabaseDataResult>

Deletes data from a database collection or table based on the provided data ID.

Return: A promise that resolves to a DatabaseDataResult object containing the result of the deletion operation.

Available arguments :

collectionORtableNamestringThe name of the collection or table from which data will be deleted.
dataIDstringThe ID of the data to be deleted.

TypeScript Properties


interface CollectionsORtables {
/** An array of strings representing collections or tables. */
collectionsORtables: string[];


interface CreateCollectionsORTableResult extends CollectionsORtables {
/** The name of the current collection or table. */
currentCollectionTableName: string;


interface CollectionOrTableResult extends CollectionsORtables {
/** The type of database operation, either "MONGO" or "KNEX". */
type: "MONGO" | "KNEX";


interface DatabaseDataResult {
/** An array of column information. */
columns?: DatabaseColumnInfo[];

/** The number of modified records. */
modifiedCount?: number;

/** The data returned from the database operation. */
data: any;


* Interface that extends the CollectionsORtables interface to represent the result of deleting collections or tables.
type DeleteCollectionsORTableResult = CollectionsORtables;


interface RenameCollectionsORTableResult extends CollectionsORtables {
/** The new name of the collection or table after renaming. */
newCollectionTableName: string;


interface CommitSaveTableColumnResult extends TableColumnInfoResult {
/** Object containing status information. */
status: {
/** The number of failed commits. */
failedCount: number;

/** The number of successful commits. */
successCount: number;

/** Indicates if any exceptions occurred during commit. */
excepted: boolean;


interface TableColumnInfoResult {
/** The column information. */
columnInfo: DatabaseColumnInfo[];


interface DatabaseColumnData {
/** Array of columns to be deleted. */
deleteDatabaseColumns: DatabaseColumnInfo[];

/** Array of objects containing old and new columns to be modified. */
modifyDatabaseColumns: {
/** Array of objects containing old columns to be modified. */
oldDatabaseColumns: DatabaseColumnInfo;

/** Array of objects containing new columns to be modified. */
newDatabaseColumns: DatabaseColumnInfo;

/** Array of columns to be created. */
createDatabaseColumns: DatabaseColumnInfo[];


interface DatabaseColumnInfo {
/** The name of the column. */
name: string;

/** The type of the column. */
type: DatabaseTableTypes;

/** The alias of the column. */
alias: DatabaseTableAlias;

/** Additional data related to the column. */
actualData?: {
/** The type of the column's actual data. */
type?: DatabaseTableTypes;

/** The data model for creating/editing the column. */
columnData?: DatabaseCreateEditModel;


* Represents the possible types for a database table alias.
* Can be one of: "Text", "Number", "Boolean", "Json", "Date".
type DatabaseTableAlias = "Text" | "Number" | "Boolean" | "Json" | "Date";


interface DatabaseCreateEditModel {
/** The name of the column. */
name: string;

/** The type of the column. */
type: DatabaseTableTypes;

/** The alias of the column. */
alias: DatabaseTableAlias;

/** Additional data related to the column. */
actualData?: {
/** The type of the column's actual data. */
type?: DatabaseTableTypes;

/** The data model for creating/editing the column. */
columnData?: DatabaseCreateEditModel;