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Flow and Deployment

EcoFlowJS allows you to configure multiple flows in a single workflow. You can use multiple flows in order to separate flows based on the works flow you want to configure and much more.

setup welcome screensetup welcome screen

Create Flow

setup welcome screensetup welcome screen

To create a flow follow the following:

  1. Click the Create Flow button.
  2. Enter the Flow Name and then click the Confirm button.

Every flow name must be unique.


To deploy a flow just Click the Deploy button on the Header and wait for the deployment to complete.

setup welcome screensetup welcome screen

There are also multiple way for deploying of a flow:

Full DeployDeploy all flows available in the flow editor.
Current FlowDeploy the current flow you are working on.
Modified NodesStill under development.
Restart FlowRestart the flow editor runtime.