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Database Records

EcoFlowJS allows you to manage and manipulate the database records in your application using the schema editor.

Insert Database Records

setup welcome screensetup welcome screen

To insert record to a table follow the steps below:

  1. From the Schema Editor Dashboard, Click the database connection you want to connect and configure.
  2. Click on Table insert data to.
setup welcome screensetup welcome screen
  1. Click on Insert to add records to the database.
  2. Provide the record data based on the table structure.
  3. Click on Insert to commit insert of the records.

Edit/Modify Database Records

setup welcome screensetup welcome screen

To insert record to a table follow the steps below:

  1. From the Schema Editor Dashboard, Click the database connection you want to connect and configure.
  2. Click on Table whose data to be modified.
setup welcome screensetup welcome screen
  1. Click on Edit to modify the records.
  2. Click on Update to commit the database record changes.

Drop/Remove Database Records

setup welcome screensetup welcome screen

To insert record to a table follow the steps below:

  1. From the Schema Editor Dashboard, Click the database connection you want to connect and configure.
  2. Click on Table whose data to be removed.
setup welcome screensetup welcome screen
  1. Click on Remove to remove the records.
  2. Click on Confirm to confirm the database record removal.