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Node and configuration

EcoFlowJS allows you to configure each node configuration as per your needs. For example names, icon, etc.


Hovering a node for more than one seconds opens the popup showing the description of the node provided by the developer of the node.

How to configure

To configure your node:

  1. Double click on the node to open the configuration drawer.
  2. Click on the Configuration Tab.
  3. Configure the as per your needs.
setup welcome screensetup welcome screen
  1. Click on the Confirm button to commit the configuration.

Enable/Disable Node

To enable/disable your node:

  1. Double click on the node to open the configuration drawer.
  2. Click on Enable/Disable button.
setup welcome screensetup welcome screen
  1. Click on the Confirm button to commit the configuration.

Change Appearance

To change the appearance of the node:

  1. Double click on the node to open the configuration drawer.
  2. Click on the Appearance Tab.
  3. Configure the as per your needs.
setup welcome screensetup welcome screen
  1. Click on the Confirm button to commit the configuration.

Adding description to node

To add description to a node:

  1. Double click on the node to open the configuration drawer.
  2. Click on the Description Tab.
  3. Write the description as per your needs.
setup welcome screensetup welcome screen
  1. Click on the Confirm button to commit the configuration.